Sunday, January 31, 2010


I came to The Dhaka Project mid-October 2009 and stayed for three months working on a specific project. Having my Masters in International Development and experience in Policy Development in the Australian Government, the Project Manager and I agreed that I would come and do an operations and service delivery analysis.
This research report bought together a broad overview of the entire organisation in the form of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis on the basis of interviews and workshops with 50 per cent of TDP Staff, meetings with The Dubai Council, RSF, long term (i.e. more than one year) volunteers as well as observations and community talks.A key research objective was to provide the research and analysis to support the organisation to commence assessing the right combination of strategies and the appropriate organizational structure to: a) address current organizational and service delivery issues and weaknesses; b) to create a solid foundation for increased sustainability, c) to implement effective mechanisms of governance and communication and d) to ensure ethical practices and best practice approach as an NGO influencing the lives of beneficiaries in Gawair. The recommendations in this paper aim to support this objective.
Despite low staff morale, within the staff I recognized that there still burned a fire of passion and devotion to the underlying purpose of TDP. There was a sense of team synergy bonded by common principles. Likewise, the children were full of loving energy and very welcoming, and the community members were warm, friendly and eager to interact. Overall, the organisation does the best that they can with the human and financial resources that they have. I was very impressed with their ability to make the most of their limitations and maximize on their strengths. Also, where they have to compromise or make sacrifices, it is always with the best interest of the beneficiaries in mind and they never sell the beneficiaries short. Staff do not hesitate to go out of their way to take on extra work or responsibility where necessary and in this way ensure that the quality of service delivery is maintained even during times where resources are stretched.
Leadership thus far has been erratic and with a high turnover. TDP is currently experiencing a stage of consistency in leadership which is good for staff morale and the development of long term strategic plans for a more sustainable organisation in the future.
During my time here, I was lucky enough to have the company of two other long term volunteers, as well as Jewel the Volunteer Manager, who ensured a smooth transition and that all my questions were answered. As time went on I really started to feel part of the community, particularly after participation in Eid celebrations and as a long term volunteer I met with various interesting short term volunteers almost weekly.
Overall, the experience was extremely rewarding and I am particularly grateful to the support of the staff and the warmth of the entire community for making my stay in Gawair such a pleasure and my work with TDP so satisfying and effective. In particular, a special thank you to Jewel - the wonderful and helpful volunteer manager, Faria – the ever enduring and endearing Family Counselor and to Rossie – the dedicated and impressive Project Manager.


I have spent 30 days between December 09 and January 10 as volunteer in the Dhaka project.
I was really impressed with what they have realized.
They provide education for more than 500 students, nursery, medical care and food for all of them. They help families living in the slums. They also build toilette for community without and keep the suburbs clean.
A great job indeed.They have to face many problems, of course, but that's normal. It is not easy to work in a place like that and, my be, the Dhaka project grew up too fast.
When I arrived they were looking for more teachers, in the meantime I tried to be helpful teaching maths and assisting the students in their activities.
As new students apply and are admitted to the school every year, there is a big gap in knowledge between the students that were in the school from the beginning when the Project started and those who joined later. Medium and long term volunteers could be helpful in giving extra classes to those students that need and want help.
I strongly invite volunteers to join The Dhaka Project and give their help.
The Dhaka Project guesthouse is perfect, clean large rooms, hot water, internet, tv, kitchen, close to the school and cheap. It wouldn't be possible to ask more.
I think that The Dhaka Project is very well organized.
All the staff do their job with passion and in a very professional way. Working with them was a great experience for me. I wish to thank all of them.
A special thank to Jewel that helped me, as the other volunteers, a lot.
It would be a pleasure to return one day.
-------Davide Pallicca.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


As a regular part of fund raising activity, a "Cloth Sale for Fund Raising" was organized by The Dhaka Project on 16th January 2010 in an open field at Parayabagan, Majibari, Kazibari road.
Different types & sizes of clothes were on display for a very low price.
Before the sale, an announcement held around.The community of Gawair was informed about the event a day before. Many people gathered to buy clothes according to their needs.
An amount of 783.00 BDT was raised from the sale.
The Cabin Crews of Emirates Airlines brought these clothes from Dubai through on flight to Dhaka. The Dhaka Project is always grateful to them and also to all the donors in Dubai.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


What a pleasure for The Dhaka Project to have new sponsors on the eve of Happy New Year.
Contribution of Maria Luisa (50 Euro), Sandra Bonanca Lourenco (100 Euro), Miss H Lund (43.50 Euro), Diana Sofia Paixao (40 Euro), and Rui Miguel E A (120 Euro) for the poor slum students shows the sympathy and help from sponsors to move TDP further towards development.
The Dhaka Project always welcome and appreciate new sponsors like you who are optimistic to break the cycle of poverty in slums of Dhaka through education and social development.
Many thanks and A Happy New Year to all our sponsors from the team members of The Dhaka Project.


Exiting dancing moment at the Annual cultural program and Report Card day.
A year long hardship ends happily on 19th December of The Dhaka Project School. The program was celebrated in an open field to accommodate all the children’s parents as well as local community. A guest band team from the Aga Khan School cheered up the crowds. Students were distributed Report Cards of the Half yearly Examination of the academic session 2009-2010.

Little kid trying to depict the moments of the Victory day.
Never seen a War or Victory in his life but as a patriotic child he didn’t forget to draw the national Flag of Bangladesh. 16th December was observed & celebrated through an inter-school art competition organized by Leo Club between The Aga Khan School, Scholastica School and The Dhaka Project School. Later prizes were distributed among the best by the Judges.

Visiting the “Planetarium” on a study tour.
To give a touch of the practical experiences 49 top students accompanied by 2 teachers of TDP School visited the “Planetarium” near Farmgate, Dhaka on 22nd December for the first time. The students were surprised and astonished to know the unknown facts of the planets & stars. TDP is hopeful to continue such study tour programs for the children in the upcoming years.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


There are a few donations yet to publish, done along the last year and that came from :
  • Cristiana Fernandes - sent 200 Euros towards the sponsorship of Toni, a child under the care of TDP .
  • Sandra O'Hagan - did a donation of 1500 Taka .
  • Suman Manning and Miriam Dahm - developed a St. Valentines' day event to fundraise to The Dhaka Project and the amount collected was 1854,56 Euros transferred to our account in Austria. Unfortunaltely we haven't got info about all supporters of this event, to whom we feel so grateful for their kindness.
And The Dhaka Project wishes to send a huge thanks to these donors who came forward in their great kindness towards our children.
Thank you on behalf of them !