Monday, May 5, 2008


In order to confront the frightening high prices in Bangladesh, and therefore in Dhaka, our rickshaw drivers are adding themselves a new task to generate more income to The Dhaka Project, showing us that our team is not sitting back waiting for the end of the resources to react against one more grievance that the usual state of Bangladesh threatens to push them to.

So, our rickshaw drivers, everyday load their rickshaws with used clothes, kindly donated by people abroad, and costly shipped from Dubai and go 'sell' them at distances not coverable on foot by customers who can't afford any means of transportation to go where clothes are cheaper; The Dhaka Project's Clothes Shop!.

This activity generates some income that helps both the drivers and the Project to get some income so becoming life not so hard, struggling one more disaster that is hitting this poor country; the huge inflation not followed by the wages as usual in all countries when prices go high, causing the poorest to suffer most immediate consequences.

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