30th July 2010, It was the Half Yearly Report Card Day of The Dhaka Project School (TDPS). The class teachers showed the Report Cards to the students and their parents starting from 10:00 AM. It is compulsory for the parents to be present during the report card distribution. All students along with their parents seemed to be present. Students were advised to do even better in the up coming Year final examination. Parents were advised to take proper care of the weaker students. Some parents of students were cautioned for getting poor grades.
Students of Class KG -1, 2, Std-1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 including Play Group & Nursery attended the Half Yearly exams on Science, Religion, English Literature, Bangla, Math, Social science, Physical Education, Arts & Crafts, and Agriculture & Home Economics which started from 8th August 2010.
The teachers were pleased with the students securing higher grades in the examination.