Students of The Dhaka Project staged 6 different drama’s addressing the importance of awareness of Global Hand Washing Day on 30th October 2010. Each drama had 8 characters, 15 minutes of time span and a total of 48 student’s participation. The program began on the Roof Top of The Dhaka Project School at 11:30 AM and ended at 01:30 PM. The themes which were high lighted were Transmission of diseases, Prevention of diseases and Techniques of Hand Wash. Teachers including Administration Staffs along with 100 students watched their performance.
Masuka Faria, Family Councilor coordinated the program. Finally according to the teachers judge Giner Badsha (King of Devil) secured the 1st position, Open Food secured 2nd and Maser Bazar (Fish Market) secured 3rd position. Prizes were distributed among the students.