EVERY ONE is a worldwide campaign of Save the Children. In Bangladesh Save the Children organizes this campaign in different schools through out the country to raise awareness among the students, teachers & guardians. Today (28th July 2011) they organized the campaign at The Dhaka Project School at 12:00 PM.
Spotlight, an Event Management organization coordinated the Event. The main focus of this EVERY ONE campaign is to raise awareness on Pneumonia among the students and how they can save new born child from dying by sending the message of symptoms to their parents, relatives and neighbors. Consciousness can prevent Pneumonia. The students of The Dhaka Project were the main participant of the program as they will convey the message to others.
Dr. Mesba Uddin, Associate Professor of Pediatric & Secretary of Bangladesh Pediatric Association,
Ms Eric, Director, Member Service, Save the Children ,
Ms Sophie Jackson, EveryOne-Media Coordinator, Save the Children,
Taskin Rahman, Campaign Officer, Save the Children and
Rashedul Islam, Deputy Project Manager, TDP were present.
The program raised awareness among the students.
Later they were given sheets to write a story or to draw a picture on Pneumonia. At the end of the program snacks were distributed among the participants.