At first TDP Family Counselor & TDP School authority had verified and evaluated the real societal statuesque, economical standing and health issues of the children who were asked to contact with their ID card. These cards were provided earlier but due to seat limitation they had to wait. Finally, 37 children are selected to sit for a one hour written test on 7/11/2009 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Students attended exam under the supervision of TDPS teachers. After evaluating their written-scripts each examinee faced a brief verbal interview with the Principal & two other senior teachers to bear out their communicative skill. Students, obtaining the necessary requirements will be placed to respective classes according to their merit afterwards. These new students will join their regular class soon after the approaching half yearly exam.

Concerned parents were found eagerly waiting outside the school gate while their kids were attending exam.
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