Annual Cultural Program & Report Card Day was held on 23rd December 2010 at Gawair School Field (opposite The Dhaka Project School). A beautiful stage was decorated with sound system and Laser lights.
The program began at 3:00 PM. Arifur Rahman Rossie was present as the Chief Guest. The program began with the recitation from The Holly Quran. There were several dance shows of different groups. The dance of the students impressed the audience very much. There were several thousand spectators at the Gawair School Field. Thousands more on the roofs of buildings and houses.
Later Arifur Rahman Rossie (Chief Guest), Rashedul Islam (Deputy Project Manager-TDP) and Parveen Sultana (Principal-TDPS) distributed prizes among the students of different categories. The categories were First, Second & Third position holders of each class and Highest class attendance in each class. The Volunteers (Students) for Annual Cultural Program & Report Card Day also received prizes.
Prizes were distributed among the teachers too. Teacher Mirza Sonia and Nazrul sang songs on the stage along with different group of students.
The evening show was the most magnificent of all shows. The laser lights effects created a charming situation on the stage. All the spectators watched the show with rapt attention. A drama was staged at the end of the show based on the Liberation war of 1971.
It was a great day for the students of The Dhaka project School. Everyone enjoyed the show before the winter vacation. The school will open on 2nd January 2011.
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