Eight students of Std-VI were prepared for their Home Economics class on 08th May 2011 at 12:00 PM.
Ms Sonia Mirza demonstrated the session on how to prepare
Tikka Kabab.
Kabab was first introduced by a royal chef during the M
ughal Emperor in Indian sub continent. From then it was considered as a
royal recipe. People of the aristocrat society prepared it as a special dish during any occasion or festival. Later the people of the middle class started to master the recipe and it was widely spread. Now a day even the poor can taste the delicious bite of a Kabab.
It takes lot of Ingredients to prepare kabab---such as
Beef-Kima, Anchor lentil, Tomato’s, Cucumber, lettuce, Soyabean oil, Masala, Eggs, Onions, Green chili, Toast biscuits, etc. were bought from a shopping mall.
The Beef-Kima and Anchor lentil was boiled at first with various
masala. It was then pasted traditionally with Stone made
Pata-puta instead of a blender. Then the students rolled the portion of pastes in between their palms to make
flat pieces. Later it was fried in soyabean oil till it turned
The students enjoyed the practical session as they
mastered the recipe.
Later the Judges
marked based on the judgment of how the Kabab tested.