RSF Dhaka School & College is celebrating the “Global Hand Washing Day” today on 15th October 2011 on the roof top from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm. Hand washing with soap is the single most effective way to prevent diarrhea and acute respiratory infections (ARI).
Dr. Jahid Hossain, Dr. Amirul Islam, Masuka Faria ( Counselor), Sheuly Akter (Jr. field officer) and Katharina Klug and Eva Berger (Volunteers) demonstrated on hand washing technique and information on diseases and discussed hygiene in relation to transmission of disease. The aim was to aware 300 (Three hundred) parents so that they can practice hand washing with soap at home and save their children’s lives.
They were taught to drink boiled water, not to eat open food, Wash whole body with soap and water, Wash cloths and bedding regularly, wash hands After toilet, Before handling any food, After touching animals, After helping wash or clean small children, After touching Money and coming back from bazaar, etc
This technique has been developed by the World Health Organization and every one around the world washes hands in this way. This technique removes all dirt, bacteria from hands, fingers, finger nails, and wrist.
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