The Dhaka Project feels happy to count the smile of almost 500 students once they have got the snacks.
Once again, Jebel Ali School in Dubai extended their hand to provide all children of The Dhaka Project School regular clothing. On the 2nd of September ‘09, students were distributed these casual dress by The Dhaka Project School at the school building for the rest of the month.
The Dhaka Project will always recall the contribution of Jebel Ali School with gratitude. The Dhaka Project is also grateful to Maria and Sharon who were in execution of accumulating these clothes for the children.
As a regular part of fund raising activity, a "Cloth Sale" was organized by The Dhaka Project on 1st September, '09 at the open field in front of the office building at Gawair. Clothes of different types & size, for the adults were placed for sale at nominal price.
Before the sale, an announcement held around the Gawair community to inform them about the sale. People of different ages gathered at the sale & bought clothes according to their need.
A total of about 2,000.00 BDT was raised from the sale.
All these clothes were arrived from Dubai carried by the Cabin Crews of Emirates Airlines while their flight to Dhaka. The Dhaka Project is grateful to them. More over, our gratitude goes to all the donors in Dubai who actually fill our storage room with varieties of clothes.
The huge task of maintaining the crowd as well as the Sale was regulated by Mr. Azad, Senior Project Officer, Mr. Shimul, Senior Operation Officer and other office attendants.
Each day from 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm, Senior Project Officer, Mr. Azad along with two office attendants distributed the cloths. Meanwhile, the youngsters of Day-care centre and Play-group are now busy with different types of colorful toys.
These toys were donated by Mark Coady, Commercial Manager of First Select International. Mr. Azad distributed these toys.