A year long hardship ends happily on 19th December of The Dhaka Project School. The program was celebrated in an open field to accommodate all the children’s parents as well as local community. A guest band team from the Aga Khan School cheered up the crowds. Students were distributed Report Cards of the Half yearly Examination of the academic session 2009-2010.
Little kid trying to depict the moments of the Victory day.
Never seen a War or Victory in his life but as a patriotic child he didn’t forget to draw the national Flag of Bangladesh. 16th December was observed & celebrated through an inter-school art competition organized by Leo Club between The Aga Khan School, Scholastica School and The Dhaka Project School. Later prizes were distributed among the best by the Judges.

To give a touch of the practical experiences 49 top students accompanied by 2 teachers of TDP School visited the “Planetarium” near Farmgate, Dhaka on 22nd December for the first time. The students were surprised and astonished to know the unknown facts of the planets & stars. TDP is hopeful to continue such study tour programs for the children in the upcoming years.

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