But it's not only those who closely observe her that notice it.
A long well wisher of The Dhaka Project decided to sponsor her with an unimagined reward she has never been seeking.
This sponsor, who wishes to remain anonymous, offered her a very precious and useful tool that not only will permit her talk with the store customers or other volunteers but also with all people around in Dubai; a Berlitz English Course !
We feel willing to express a big thank you to this anonymous donor who was aware about this handicap of Solange !!!
Olá! Foi um choque quando recebi o telefonema do curso avisando que minha matrícula estava efetivada.Digo isso porque eu e a Maria fomos juntas tentar um desconto ou uma bolsa integral e isto foi negado. No momento da emoção aceitei agendar os horários porque achei que tinahmos obtido a gratuidade, mas depois telefonei e descobri que era um anônimo.
Procurei saber quem e como isso acorreu e cancelei tudo ao pensar que o valor sairia do Dhaka. Mas um dia depois soube que um patrocinador do Dhaka era o responsável. resolvi então aceitar este empurrão de encontro ao idioma que não domino e é a lingua mais importante falada em Dubai.Relutei durante os três anos que aqui moro para enfrentar esta batalha, afinal tenho 54 anos e nada de novo é fácil a esta altura de tantos hábito sadquiridos. Este primeiro módulo inclui 24 aulas de uma hora e meio. Farei o meu melhor para justificar a credibilidade que me foi depositada. Obrigada acompanhado de um grande abraço a você Armenio que mantem este site de forma incansável e a você Maria que usou teu tempo para conseguir me estimular nesta nova conquista.
Translation of Solange's words:Hello! It was a shock to me when I attended the phone and was informed that my inscription had become effective for this course. This is because Maria and me had tried a discount and it had been denied. In an emotional moment I agreed to set the classes timetable because I supposed I had got it for free and found out it had come from an anonymous.
I tried to know who and when I knew it I thought about calling it off as I supposed that the payment would be taken from TDP funds. But one day later I got to know that it had come from a TDP sponsor. So I decided to acept this push towards the idiom I don't know and that is the most spoken language in Dubai. I have been resistant to learning English for the 3 years I have been living here before deciding to face this fight, you know I am 54 years old and it's not so easy when it comes to learn new subjects after a life of acquired habits. This first module includes 24 classes 1 hour and half long each. I will do my best to make it worthy. Thanks to you Maria for spending your time giving me motivation to this new achievement.
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