Jorina is studying in STD-III at TDP School; she lives with her family near

Gawair kazi Bari road. It’s not their own house though; they built temporary residence at someone’s land on payment. Three other families also stay around the place. What so shocking is, none of those families ever had a proper toillet facilities of their own! These families have been living there always suffering from diarrhea. There was only an open hole covered by mat near their place with full of dirty water and worms as the toilet. When it rains there's no way to use this so-called toillet.
The most
regrettable thing was, women of the houses had to wait till dark to refresh their excuses/ do toillet in the nearest bush. They had no personal sanitation and often sneered by their neighbors.

Since the place is very near to The Dhaka Project guesthouse, a team visited there few days back. From 25th of September, a group of local mason & laborer started working and set up a well-built toilet by 1st October.

A total of BDT 27,550 was spent on this regard that came from Dubai as donation; The Dhaka Project thanks all those generous souls who help these poor families having hygienic sanitation.
The entire event was executed by Rashedul Islam, Administrative Asst. Manager & Canteen Manager, Mr. Apu Sarwar.
Our dedicated
volunteer Brendan, and Shimul, also helped a lot to give these poor families proper sanitation facility.
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