As a recurring responsibility, in the last Monthly Meeting it was decided that from 10th October to 15th October will be dedicated as ‘
Community Week’. Throughout the week The Dhaka Project team will be conducting different social work around the community. For this, teams are set up with definite work-plan to be executed. Today is the inauguration of this week-long program. We have two firm duties according to the scheduled plan, one is
“Let’s Clean The Dhaka Project” and another is
“Distribution of Adult Clothes”.

From the morning, the entire TDP team including all staffs, attendants start cleansing The Dhaka Project office & TDP School (all sections). Apart from regular cleaning by the TDP attendants, this time every employee of the office cleans his/her surrounding, desk and electronic equipments.

All the Garbage Drums placed around the community are washed up with bleaching powder. Later, a team commenced from TDP Office to Nursery & TDP School Senior Section building to spray liquid pesticide around the places.

Second session of the day began at 2:30 pm. TDP team visited a clustered slum community around
Peyarabagan to distribute clothes for the adults as gifts. This was a surprise visit from TDP out of social responsibility. More than 50 families got clothes for their adult members. The family members’ were excited & pleased with this sudden present.
The Dhaka
Project assured them that next time we will be by their side with more resource as soon as donation arrives.
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