On the fifth day of "
Community Service Week", TDP addressed a most vital issue like "
Community Medical Service". This time, a TDP medical team comprising doctors, nurse and 5 student volunteers from TDP School visited Chalaban Community. The team had medical kit, emergency medicine and other necessary equipments with them.

Dr. Jahid, of TDP Medical Centre gave thorough check-up to the adults of the community and prescribed remedy where necessary. On this regard, the team provided some medicine as well and distributed Vitamin Syrup.
the community was offered free dental check-up at the same time. Dr. Amirul, Dentist of TDP Medical Centre was in-charge of it. He also suggested prescription and conferred some instant treatment.
than 50 people had this check-up with proper recommendation. A TDP team & the student volunteers coordinated the event.

This program helped the community to an extent that was proved as people were waiting in line with patience for health check-up; next time TDP will be by their side with more facilities.
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