Second day of week-long 'Community Week' has just passed. The event started from 2:30 onwards. TDP team located Most Unhygienic Places around the community; Peyarabagan Slums.

TDP team along with local cleaner collected scattered garbage into poly-bags and carried them away to particular places through Van; then spray bleaching powder to make the place germ-free. They also spray liquid insecticide to the possible risky areas to destroy mosquitoes & other insects.

After the cleansing, TDP team asked the community to keep the place clean by using garbage-drums already placed there. Some of the families of that community have children studying at TDP School; TDP team lectured them why this cleansing is necessary if they need to be protected from various diseases like Diarrhea, Malaria, Dengue etc. Our enthusiastic volunteer Ferre promoted the event.

TDP hopes this initiative will help to build an effective rapport to sustain a long-term development within the community.
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