Thursday, December 4, 2008


As most times the tireless Solange (Family Piñeiro) served a dinner in her house to the volunteers who have been helping with her, so helping The Dhaka Project children under our care with their hard and dedicated work.
It's a traditional dish either in Portugal or in Brazil, that in this particular case must have been cooked according to the Brazilian rules ... :)
This special meal was prepared with ingredients kindly sent by Cristiana's mum from the north of Portugal last Summer, what means that the cotfish has been waiting,... until all have a bit of time to be together for a while what is always very difficult due to each one's work...
It was a thank you dinner for volunteers in Dubai! A family party to celebrate the results they have got through their donated time !!!
Thanks to Cristiana and her mum for providing this delicious cotfish !

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