I cannot even begin to express how impressed I was with what you have achieved. It's truly amazing - the tremendous difference you have made to these kids, what you have built, the team you have on the ground and their dedication. The new school is fantastic. The kids are just

I have not stopped talking about it since being back in the office the last 2 days ! I will be preparing a mini-presentation to give the company an update at our next conference.
Maria, I would love to meet up with you when you are next in Dubai and I would be delighted to explore if I can help you in anyway should you wish to expand to the North of Bangladesh (my family is from Rangpur) where I have a property. Plus I still have many items in my apartment, donated by Delta Partners staff which I was unable to pack and take with me, so need to get these to the drop-off point.
Days later:
... I’m still adjusting to being back at work, really weird being back!!
Firstly I’d like to extend a tremendous thank you to yourself and the team for such a wonderful welcome and expose of the project. I am utterly amazed and impressed by what you have achieved there. Absolutely fantastic and I urge anyone to go visit. I am still reeling from the experience in terms of the superb welcome I received, the whole set-up, the structure, the transformation of such humbles lives, it’s simply phenomenal.
...I am making a CD of pictures for you but will send across the image of my ‘modelling’ debut, shortly. I’d also love a copy of all your pictures that were taken that day...
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