This is my first trip to the project, I didn’t know what to expect as I dint know a soul there before I left for Australia. I have been on Aid trips before and the Dhaka Project is now the top of my priority to see how much I can assist this community to become independent, healthy and educated. I taught the essentials of Universal Precautions, basic hygiene, First aid and held many health assessments in the schools, kindy and nursery. Also completing a “community health in the home project”, facilitating a few families with rehabilitation (one client was post stroke after a severe viral infection and had some residual paraplegia), diet and nutrition advice for families whose choices in diet were very limited, and also liaising with the Project Doctor on ways to assist clients.
We need Western Nurses to go to the project and keep these facilities running. If you are studying please consider using the Dhaka Project needs as part of your study. The benefits on both side of the world will inspire you to greater things, and fulfill the wishes of the community for self empowerment.
The Bangladeshi people are beautiful; they live in meager circumstances but remain happy and accepting. The Gawair area shines with the beauty of the people in a way that not even the constant sight of flea ridden animals, basking next to stalls of hanging raw meat (perhaps your next purchase for dinner that night) could possibly make you forget.
A little goes a long way in this country, moneywise - $50 Aussie dollars will bring approximately 3000 taka, this is a very significant amount of money. New Water sources need to be found, pumps are required as is the need for school books for the children and other consumables. The school educates those who would not ordinarily be educated, due to their station and location in the communities. The Medical Centre offers assessments and treatment for the children and soon their families too, something not normally available to them.
A little bit of compassion and knowledge has an immense ramification on this community too. The importation of skills is vital to the sustenance and viability of the project and the empowerment of the community.
I will be back to the Dhaka Project as soon as I can raise the sponsorship money and would encourage anyone out there contemplating this endeavor to just commit and get on with it. The staff is fantastic, their focus is to love and sustain the children in the project and they have huge compassion for their countryman.
Signed Rosemary Hunt Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
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