In this world of contrasts, and much specially in the solidarity field, we can find huge cons side by side with pleasant pros!
talking for example about the rules that lead to bad results, developed by the authorities against the income of donations to our kids at the project; by the law nobody is allowed to offer any used items to the kids in Bangladesh without paying rights, most of the times far beyond the money they are worth of; so if internally they are let to be in absolute poverty and, when foreigners try to help they face all kinds of barriers, a procedure that could break their will to help at least with what would go to the garbage bins in developed countries, what else could outside world citizens think but that there is a force pushing this poor people downwards the poverty line decades after decades ?
above exposed may cause many people to get dimmed out and finally giving up.
On the other hand there are those who, resisting against the failure, face it as challenge, and exploit all the possibilities left, and when they find one they will use all the resources possible to the extent of their own energy.
In this context and by these days we have mentioned some of our volunteers in this crucial time when we really need people who do all they can... it's a kind of "
It's now or never!"...
to the point, we must refer a few pleasant pros, who we address a
Marcelo Taborda, has really performed one of those heroic feats on behalf of our kids two days ago,... so many lives he will have saved in a long term point of view!
of enjoying all his possible amenities during a layover in Dhaka, he decided to roll his sleeves up and get his hands dirty having started before his flight, and ending a few hours after his return, what represents a continuous multi-task work from the labour worker category to the honourable status of a pilot in the skies.
this Dhaka Adventure he took 15 suitcases full of precious donations offered by people in Dubai to Dhaka; and once there, he has gone to visit The Dhaka Project and later, with a project committee he went to visit another partner project and helped on setting up a school for 75 children using the the money fundraised in latest garage sales by the Brazilian Community in Dubai, as it can be seen in a previous post.
getting back and before preparing himself to the return flight, he volunteered to take the empty suitcases back... not only the above 15 but 31, once there were 16 waiting for a good soul to bring them back to be refilled; so he packed the 31 suitcases, with some help given by crew members, in a minivan that normally has room for not more than 30, in a hard task under 42 degrees heat in Dhaka,... folks are still to know how he could have done that...
And after
his return to Dubai his batteries still had enough charge to stay at CBC, under a temperature of 48 degrees (only!!!) to pack more 18 suitcases for 4 hours!
what to say about
Solange? She is always committed to help in all fronts in the town for hours and hours. It's that simple!
the same applies to
Luiz Ogg, who hardly arrived from his deserved holidays and has already volunteered to take donations and pack another 10 suitcases left at CBC by Marcelo.
volunteers also drive from one end of the city to the other, using their own cars, paying for the gas with their own money, carry heavy bags,... slowly damaging their cars...
And as
the fight can't stop, today, three of us, Maria, Luiz e Marcelo took more two full cars of heavy suitcases to CBC and donations to refill other ten bags... what a tremendous work they have done, items in the car, items out of the car, packing...
We are
really in debt with these people who joined our 'army' of volunteers !!!
this and all the sweat works done on behalf of the slums' Dhaka kids by volunteers who have got concerned by this cause we could expect not less than Bangladeshis to jump out of their comfortable chairs and join to their own cause, the fight against poverty, not creating barriers but eradicating them; this would be a best award not only to Marcelo but also to all who have been involved in the field work !
barriers are what is causing all this rush under unbearable temperatures for the children's cause!!!