Wednesday, November 26, 2008


From Dhaka Team in the field.
The Half-Yearly exam of the all the schools under The Dhaka Project will start from 29th November 2008. This is the first exam after the school fully started from August 2008. Due to some problem we couldn’t provide books to all the students so they were provided with photocopies of the chapters done in the class. The parents were a bit worried about what is going on as the administration shuffled the students to put them in appropriate classes. Few students were brought done to junior class because of their inability to grab the syllabus of the newly introduced Cambridge Curriculum.
The teachers also had a hard time to get acquainted with the new books. Now its working fine and all the teachers prepared their question papers to be submitted 7 days before the exam. The teachers were requested to call parents meeting. Along with the class teacher they sat with the parents to talk about what they taught to the kids. Providing them with the exam routine and emphasizing on the importance of the exam. 15 minutes counseling session was held with the parents of each student so that they get full attention and can believe that their child is in the right track. The number of parents increased in successive meetings and ended with 80% attendance of the number of families involved. Now the parents are more aware and promised to look after their kids while studying.
After consecutive successful meetings we are looking forward for the exam and hope that all the students will attend the exam.

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